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Review your Letter of Offer. This will confirm the Title of the Grant that you were approved, the Project Number of the Grant, the expenditure types and amounts that were approved and the Final Claim Date (i.e. the last date by which all expenditure must be incurred, and a valid claim submitted to Enterprise Ireland).
Review the details of training expenditure applied for in the cost workbook, part 3 of your company application for funding and engage with your DA or Operational Excellence and Digital Advisor to understand the details of the expenditure that has been approved.
To ensure ease of draw down it is important that training records are structured with reference to the structure, content and line items of the training expenditure applied for and approved with any deviations notified to your Client Advisor in advance.
Note that you must have records of the training that took place as part of the claim available for inspection.
Criteria for training records - Operational Excellence - criteria for training records (.doc)
Training provider invoices must clearly state the work undertaken, daily rate and number of days.
Notes for Completing Training Grant Claim [word]
Training Grant Claim Form & Director Statement (.xlsx)
Training Progress Report [word]
Complete the claim form in excel and submit with all required documents.
If any of the required documents are missing, the claim will be returned.
All claims in respect of grants approved in excess of €400,000 must be certified by an Independent Accountant. Enterprise Ireland still reserves the right to request a claim to be certified by an Independent Accountant where deemed necessary and may withhold payment of the claim until such request has been complied with.
If your claim requires certification, it must be certified (signed and dated) by an Independent Accountant on their headed paper. Please download and send the IAR Completion Instructions Report to your Independent Accountant for completion.
Note that their report should certify the Details (Date of, project number(s) and expenditure amount) as outlined on the Directors Statement relating to claim.
Submit your claim to Enterprise Ireland by email to IndustryGrantClaims@enterprise-ireland.com
** Please note that claims are not accepted by post.
For further information, refer to Operational Excellence