How can we help?


Protected Disclosures

    What is Protected Disclosure?

    The Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (as amended) provides a framework to protect workers who wish to report information about certain wrongdoing. Workers include current and former: employees, contractors, agency workers, trainees, shareholders, board members, members of the administrative, management or supervisory body of an undertaking, volunteers, job candidates and contractors involved in pre-contractual negotiations. Public bodies are required to establish, maintain, and operate internal reporting channels and procedures for the making of reports and for conducting follow-up to reports.


    Enterprise Ireland’s Protected Disclosure Policy can be viewed here. This policy details our reporting channels and procedures for the making of reports and for conducting follow-up to reports.


    Further information from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform regarding the legislation can be found at



    Procedures for making a report to Enterprise Ireland

    Anyone making a report should complete the Enterprise Ireland Employee disclosure Reporting Form (.doc)


    Any report should include the following at a minimum:

    • Date submitted
    • Date of the alleged wrongdoing
    • Detail of alleged wrongdoing including whether it is ongoing, what has occurred and how.
    • Names of any person allegedly involved (if appropriate)
    • Detail of whether the wrongdoing was previously raised and to whom
    • Confidential contact details of the discloser (as appropriate)
    • Any other relevant information

    The detail of the disclosure should be sufficient to enable a person without prior knowledge to understand the issue. Disclosures should be submitted to the dedicated email address

    Transparency Legal Advice Centre provides free legal advice to persons wishing to speak up about wrongdoing. The service can be accessed by calling the Speak Up Helpline +353 1800 844 866.



    Record of Protected Disclosures Received by Enterprise Ireland

    Section 22(5) of the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (as amendment) requires that Enterprise Ireland publish the information provided to the Minister under Section 22 (1).  This information is available here.

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