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Digital marketing capability claim

Please complete the following steps in order to claim your grant. 

Step 1 - Review Letter of Offer (i.e. Grant Agreement)

Review your Letter of Offer. This will confirm the Title of the Grant that you were approved, the Project Number of the Grant, the expenditure types and amounts that were approved and the Final Claim Date (i.e. the last date by which all expenditure must be incurred, and a valid claim submitted to Enterprise Ireland). 

Please note that you can make a maximum of 2 claims against this Grant. An interim claim can be made any time after expenditure has been incurred and a second final claim. 

Step 2 - Download the required claim and progress report templates

The Digital Marketing Capability Grant Claim Checklist, Claim Form and Director Statement are all in the one Excel file below. The Digital Marketing Capability progress report template is in word format. 

The checklist provides a detailed description of all relevant forms and supporting documentation required to submit a valid claim. Please review the checklist before preparing your claim to ensure that you have all the relevant documentation to hand when completing the claim. 

Digital-Marketing-Capability-Checklist-Claim-form-and-Director-Statement (.xlsx)

Digital Marketing Capability Progress Report (.doc)

Step 3 - Submit claim

Submit your claim to Enterprise Ireland by email to 
Please note claims are currently not accepted by post. 

  • Remember, when emailing, to include your Company Name and Project Number in the Subject Line.
  • Use your Client Number (CES ID) number when encrypting files. Your CES ID number can be found in “Schedule A” of your company’s Letter of Offer. 

Step 4 - What Happens Next

  • Your claim will be assigned to a Grant Payment Officer who will review the documentation to ensure that all required forms and documentation is included. If any required information is missing the Payment Officer will 1) suspend the claim and request outstanding information or 2) If significant documentation is missing or the Final Claim date has expired your claim may be returned as invalid.
  • If all is in order, the claimed expenditure and associated proof of payment will be desk inspected and passed to the relevant Enterprise Ireland Programme Manager for validation.
  • The Programme Manager will review the claim and instruct the payment officer to disallow or pay the claim depending on their findings.
  • The payment officer completes the authorisation of your claim and submits a payment request to our Finance Department.
  • A payment report will issue via email from Grant Payments with details of the approved payment and advising that payment will follow shortly by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) to the Grantee Company's bank account. 

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