How can we help?


Border Enterprise Development Fund (BEDF)

Please refer to your letter of offer to find the grant type you are now claiming and select from the list below.

When claims are being made for grants offered on the same letter of offer, a separate set of forms must be submitted for each project.


Grant Types:




Promotional Activities




De Minimis Pass Through (DMPT)

BEDF Projects serve as intermediaries with the responsibility of transmitting the benefits of State Aid they receive to eligible Beneficiary Company customers throughout the project’s lifespan (up to 15 years). If a Beneficiary Company (or a connected group of companies) can confirm that it has not received more than €300,000 in the previous 3-year period, it may qualify for services from a BEDF Intermediary at a cost below the full market rate. In those cases, a portion of the De Minimis funding support received by the Intermediary can be offered to each eligible Beneficiary as a De Minimis Grant, reflecting the value of the reduction received.

BEDF projects are required to seek a declaration from beneficiaries prior to making any offer of a De Minimis Grant using the Declaration Form template below, and to retain such declarations on file for the duration of the BEDF project. The Template below should be issued to beneficiaries for this purpose: 

De Minimis Declaration Template


Further information relating to De Minimis declaration and disclaimer wording is available for BEDF projects in the following document:

Enterprise Ireland – DMPT Declaration Template

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VAT No: IE9590828H