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Xavier Montibert


Spun out of University College Dublin (UCD) in 2017, PlasmaBound Ltd. offers a first-in-class, disruptive deep-technology solution to the biggest challenge in composite-based product manufacturing. Our technology offers to reduce multi-step, wasteful and unreliable assembly processes, to a single-step unit operation.

Our expertise

We are currently engaged in validating our technology with a multitude of Primes and Tier1s. We address the ‘one step’ structural joining process for composite to composite or composite to metal in a clean, measured and reliable process. 3D pre-treatment of surfaces (panels, solar panels), radomes as well as composite struts. 

Service domain

  • Ground Segment Systems 

  • Launchers 

  • Satellite Applications 

  • Satellite Technology

Technology domain

  • Materials & Processes 

  • Structures & Pyrotechnics 

Products, services and projects

PlasmaBound’s novel surface preparation technology, termed controlled polymer ablation (CPA), was applied auxiliary to the ESA FLPP 2.2 programme for enhanced bond strength and reliability of PEEK-to-PEEK composite joints, as well as, and PEEK composites to metal joints. 


CPA-prepared materials outperformed the present state-of-the-art process by 52%, and flipped the paradigm of composite to metal bonding, as the adhesive released from the metal interface in EN standard testing. 


The diverse capability of the CPA technology was further demonstrated on PPS and Epoxy composite systems, validating its industry-critical nature. 

PlasmaBound is an incubator at the ESA BIC for Ireland and was awarded an ESA TTD fund in 2019. 

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