How can we help?



Partner with EUREKA for R&I collaboration


EUREKA is the world’s biggest public network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation, offering opportunities to combine expertise, exchange knowledge and enhance resources. The global network helps to identify partners, develop collaborative project plans and access national funding, and is well-suited for close-to-market R&D projects. With EUREKA, you and your partners control the project’s subject, scale and duration.


Logo of Eureka

Eurostars partnership for innovative SMEs

Eurostars is EUREKA’s flagship international programme for SMEs seeking to collaborate on R&D projects that create innovative products, processes or services for commercialisation. The partnership is co-funded by the European Union through Horizon Europe


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Innowwide supporting SMEs going global

Innowwide is a market feasibility programme supported by European Partnership on Innovative SMEs. Innowwide provides a valuable opportunity for innovative SMEs to explore international market conditions with the aim of fostering growth and innovation and increasing operations globally.


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Participate in Cluster communities

EUREKA Clusters are thematic research areas driven by communities of large companies, SMEs, universities, RPOs and end users.  Work alongside major industry players on close-to-market projects to deliver innovation objectives.

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European Partnership: Co-funded by the EU

Get in touch

For further information contact David Flood at

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