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Minister Coveney announces €16.5m capital investment in equipment for industry research

48 projects to receive €16.5 million in funding to access cutting-edge equipment to increase R&D collaboration and competitiveness for companies through the Technology Gateways and Technology Centres based in the Third Level Sector nationwide


20 November 2023


Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Simon Coveney T.D. has announced the successful applicants to the 2023 Capital Equipment Fund administered by Enterprise Ireland through the Technology Gateway and Technology Centre Programmes.

48 successful projects from across the third-level sector have secured €16.5m in funding to assist them in purchasing world-leading research equipment that will serve the research,  development and innovation (RD&I) needs of Irish industry. 

The funding will provide companies with access to both established and leading-edge equipment hosted by Technology Gateways and Technology Centres across Ireland. 

The Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateway and Technology Centre Programmes are responsible for over 1,500 collaborations each year between Irish Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Multinational Companies, on market focused strategic RD&I projects in co-ordination with Ireland’s research institutions at both a national and regional level.

The awardees were selected through a rigorous evaluation process based on eligibility criteria for the call which included, but was not limited to, a strong track record of industry engagement, a significant industrial need for the new equipment, and space to service and maintain the equipment according to international standards. 


Since 2019 the Capital Equipment Fund administered by Enterprise Ireland has funded over 200 equipment purchases with a total value of €44 million.


Minister Coveney said:

“Driving innovation across Ireland’s enterprise sector is paramount and providing the infrastructure needed to facilitate this innovation is essential. That is why I am pleased to announce this additional €16.5 million worth of equipment across the Technology Centres and Technology Gateways network. This builds on the previous calls of the Fund, bringing the total investment to €44m over the last four years. 

This new state-of the-art equipment across the network will help companies become competitive and resilient and will address important needs within all sectors. It will also strengthen industry collaboration with our third-level sector, benefiting all involved.“


Marina Donohoe, Divisional Manager, Research & Innovation at Enterprise Ireland said:

‘Companies across all sectors have challenges associated with sustainability, digitalisation, and the very recent advances in Artificial Intelligence. The additional equipment funded by this call, coupled with the items already available from the previous funding, will help companies gain and maintain a competitive advantage both at home and abroad through the development of innovative new products, services and manufacturing process technologies. I expect the outcomes of this call to have a strategic impact on Irish Industry for years to come.’ 




For further information, contact: 

Paul Daly, Press & Media Relations, Enterprise Ireland, 087-2235187 or


Note to the Editor:

About Enterprise Ireland:

Enterprise Ireland is the Irish State agency that works with Irish enterprises to help them start, grow, innovate and win export sales in global markets. Enterprise Ireland partners with entrepreneurs, Irish businesses, and the research and investment communities to develop Ireland’s international trade, innovation, leadership and competitiveness. In this way, we support sustainable economic growth and regional development, and help create and sustain employment in Ireland.


About the Technology Gateway Programme

17 Technology Gateways in five Technological Universities and Dundalk IT deliver innovation expertise to industry across Ireland. These Gateways provide companies of all sizes with access to over 350 highly skilled and industrially focused researchers, together with specialist equipment and facilities. The Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateway Programme is co-financed by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27 and the Northern & Western Regional Programme 2021-27.

Each Technology Gateway focuses on key technology areas aligned to industry needs. Companies all over Ireland are using Technology Gateways to develop new or better products and services and smarter ways of doing things.


About the Technology Centre Programme

The Technology Centre Programme is a joint initiative between Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland. It allows Irish companies and multinationals to work together on market-focused strategic R&D projects in collaboration with research institutions. 

The Technology Centres in the programme are resourced by highly qualified researchers who provide a unique ecosystem for collaboration in areas identified, by industry, as being strategically important.

Over 300 member companies collaborate with the Centres in the areas of analytics, dairy processing, food for health, learning technologies, manufacturing, materials, meat technology, microelectronics and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Technology centres:

  • Promote growth and competitiveness through industry-led research collaboration

  • Address technology opportunities and threats in the key industry sectors

  • Increase the levels of industry investment in R&D 

  • Leverage investment in existing academic research capabilities and build critical mass in key sectors

  • Facilitate and encourage collaboration between Iindigenous and Foreign Direct Investment companies 


About the Capital Equipment call

Of 59 eligible applications reviewed, 48 have been approved for funding totaling €16.5m. Funding was based on an extensive review process which looked at the number of companies that will benefit and the criticality of the equipment to servicing their RD&I needs, how access to the equipment can be shared across the technology gateway and technology centres network and current capability gaps within the collaborative research system that can be alleviated by making this equipment available.

The RD&I activities supported by this funding include pilot manufacturing capability for new products and process development, enhanced technology validation and testing capabilities, test bed generation and enhanced training for key industry staff on emerging technologies in collaboration. 


Table 1 Applications Recommended for Funding




Gateway / Centre

Host Institute



TU Dublin

Mechanical Testing Suite




Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer


Teagasc Moorepark


Lifetime Carbon Measurement (LCM).


MTU Cork


Scanning Electron Microscope with Electron Dispersive Microscopy 


MTU Cork



Advanced Fluorescence Lifetime imaging system


MTU Cork


White light interferometer 


MTU Cork


UX4XR Hybrid Design Lab. 

Smarter Factory

TUS Midwest


Cobotic & Machine Vision inspection

Smarter Factory

TUS Midwest


Smart Factory Data

Smarter Factory

TUS Midwest


Hybrid AI Destructive Test Bed

Smarter Factory

TUS Midwest


Automated 3d scanning and machining testbed


TUS Midlands


Immersive Extended Reality Suite


Tyndall National Institute


Semiconductor Device Parameter Analyser


Tyndall National Institute




TUS Midlands


Large Language Model


TU Dublin


Isothermal Calorimeter


TUS Midlands


Flexible Packaging suite


SETU Waterford


Separation Science Suite


TUS Midlands


Advanced Chromatography suite


TUS Midlands


Polymer 3d printing suite


SETU Waterford


Particle Characterisation Suite


SETU Waterford


Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope


SETU Waterford


High Temperature TGA with GC-MS & FTIR-Imaging 


SETU Waterford


Suite of equipment for establishing Sustainability Materials Lab 

Shannon ABC

TUS Midwest


Biomonitoring suite for circular bioprocessing


Dundalk IT


Operational Wind Farm optimisation


SETU Waterford


MUSE: Holographic Simulation Test bed


ATU Sligo


Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy


ATU Sligo


Wire & Sink Electrical Discharge Machining, and EDM drill


ATU Sligo


Metallurgical suite, including water jet cutter


TU Dublin, Tallaght


EMC Spectrum Analyser


TU Dublin, Tallaght


3-Color Flow Cytometry

Construct Innovate

NUI Galway


Test for building envelopes

Construct Innovate

NUI Galway


Mobile robotic Automation for Construction

MTI / Shannon ABC

TUS Midwest


Scale up plant for co-products valorisation

Shannon ABC

TUS Midwest


2Dimentional LC With Q-TOF-bio detector (2DLC-MS/MS)




High End Computing Resources


MTU Cork


Cyber physical Systems Networked Testbench. 


ATU Donegal


50Ghz Vector Network Analyser


Irish Manufacturing Research CLG


Metal Binder Jetting

Shannon ABC

MTU Kerry


Upstream Bioprocessing and Analysis Suite


ATU Donegal


50GHz Anechoic Chamber & Antenna Test System


TUS Midlands


Thermo-mechanical testing suite


Irish Manufacturing Research CLG


Robotic Welding Cell

Construct Innovate



Automated Structures Innovation Hub


TU Dublin


Coatings Product Prototyping Suite

Smarter Factory

TUS Midwest


Smart Decentralised Control Systems

Construct Innovate

NUI Galway


Heavy structures lab test equipment

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