How can we help?


Our Impact

Enterprise Ireland has played a central role in delivering sustainable prosperity since 1998

We support Irish businesses to start, become more innovative, and to grow internationally – driving economic growth, regional development, and supporting employment. These businesses play a vital role in the Irish economy and the impact of our support can be felt in communities throughout Ireland, wherever our client companies create jobs and opportunities.

Woman smiling at desk in modern workspace

Enterprise Ireland's impact

Supporting high-quality employment

Enterprise Ireland works with and supports over 4,000 Irish companies, which employed 225,495 people in 2023. 15,530 new jobs were  created by Enterprise Ireland supported companies in 2023, and more than two-thirds, 68%, of these jobs were outside Dublin.  When economic shocks such as COVID-19 or Brexit occur, we provide direct financial assistance and other supports to companies to help protect jobs and businesses.

Driving export sales growth

In 2023, Enterprise Ireland-backed companies achieved €34.57 billion in export sales. Export sales growth drives demand for Irish goods and services, and increases the flow of income and expenditure in the Irish economy.

Promoting an innovative economy

Enterprise Ireland provides extensive funding for R&D and innovation in Ireland, both to its clients and the Irish research ecosystem, including 26 technology national Technology Centres and Gateways. Our clients’ combined innovation spend is €1.5 billion. 

Supporting businesses to start and scale

Enterprise Ireland has made 3,700 direct investments in Irish companies. In 2021, we invested more than €28 million in Irish start-ups and supported 125 start-up companies. Almost 38% of high-potential start-ups that we supported were women-led. We also invested €69 million in venture capital funds, helping to ensure the availability of funding to early-stage Irish businesses.

Expanding Irish companies’ global reach

Enterprise Ireland helps Irish businesses to reach their global ambition by supporting them to expand in international markets and to explore new exporting opportunities. We work directly with clients through our team of market advisors based across our network of 39 international offices. In 2021 we helped companies we work with to secure 1,384 new overseas contracts, and Enterprise Ireland supported companies established 480 new overseas presences. 

Making an impact across Ireland

Explore more about our Regional and Border Enterprise Development Fund.

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